Why men prefer mature Kuala Lumpur escorts in Malaysia
There are different types of women in the world in terms of physique. Some are tall while others short, dark skinned while others light skinned and fat while others slim among other features. Recently, there has been an increase in the relationship between young men and older women. This increase has made people more accepting of such relationships now than it was in the past. We use the word cougar to refer to the women who are dating younger men. It is also important to note that most men also prefer the company of mature women. For this reason, most clients prefer the older mature Malaysian escorts in Kuala Lumpur for a number of reasons.
- First, older escorts know how to separate personal issues with business since they are mature. They have their goals set right and do not live in a dream world where they have very many wishes they expect to be fulfilled by their clients. They make sure that they understand their clients’ needs and do exactly as required of them. The amount of time that the client spends with her is enough for her and ensures that their client is happy and satisfied. The conversations they engage in with their clients are thoughtful and significant which is contrary to the conversations that young escorts like to engage in.
- Second, these Kuala Lumpur escorts tend to be more appealing to the clients since they have experience in this business and have mastered the art of how to impress a man. Since most clients are younger, they prefer the older women since they can learn something new from them. Third, since the older companions have experience in this field, it is easy for them to turn an ugly situation to an appealing one. This is because they know the pros and cons of this business and have understood ways to curb the effects of the bad. Having experienced almost every bad thing that can happen in this industry, they are fearless and go for what they want.
- Fourth, with experience comes confidence. Everything that these MILF escort girls do they do it with a lot of confidence. This confidence is evident even in her body language, which most men find quite attractive. As a result of their confidence they get man clients booking them and thus make a fortune from these appointments. They do not nag since they are independent and serve the customer to the best of their abilities.
- Fifth, with older escorts clients get to experience safer intimacy compared to younger companions. With age and experience comes the ability to separate business and emotions. This makes it easy for the companion to serve the client well even with time constraints. Most clients are sensitive about these reasons and that is why they prefer mature escorts in Malaysia.
How to impress your escort
A mature escort is a woman who is advanced in age than her clients. However, such people are not marketed by escort agencies in Kuala Lumpur, which makes the clients there unable to understand the treatment that younger men have with older companions. Given her experience she is the one who steers your quality time with her as she engages in intelligent talks about various subjects. In order to impress a MILF escort there are several things that you need to understand. Below are some tips to guide you on how to attract one of these Kuala Lumpur escorts.
- First, make your introduction as serious as it could be. Inform the Malaysian escort agency what you expect and enlighten them on some of your features and mannerisms. It is important to point out the reasons as to why you have chosen a certain MILF escort over all others and highlight whether you are a younger or older client. Keep the introduction as brief as possible. This will help her know more about you before the meeting.
- Second, once you have her number, call her, and talk to her before the two of you meet. Make sure you let her know you are looking forward to meeting her and how ecstatic you are to have a mature escort. Such things set the mood for the day the two of you are to meet. Tell her how much you have been thinking about her and assure her you intended to be a loyal client. Try to know what her likes are as you make all arrangements on phone.
- Third, make sure that she is pampered with sweet words as you tell her how much of a turn on she is to you. She needs to be comfortable and be sure that her age is not a problem to you. Speak to her about how much you long to spend time with her since this will boost her confidence for the day you have arranged to meet her.
Finally, work within her preferences and time schedules. It is crucial that you understand her as a person and try to bend your timing and preferences to meet hers. This way she will have more respect for you. Ask her what her favorite restaurant is and take her out there with limits of when she should be out, in this case if she has a family and children. Regard of what she likes and wants will make her feel appreciated and in return she will treat you better than all her other clients.Do not forget to know your boundaries and stick to your lane as a client, respecting and caring for her. With these tips, you are guaranteed to have the best time of your life with a mature escort.